Thursday, August 28, 2008

Blogging the non-convention

I have to say, although I wish the Republicans were elsewhere, this will be a very exciting time here in the Twin Cities. The RNC convention is going to be a magnet not only for the Repub celebs, pundits, etc., but the same crew on the left. One crew will be inside, the other outside...and I will be partaking of the outside crew!

So, what am I looking at? Well, here's a schedule of events I'm hoping to make.

  • Thursday, 8/28: 7:30 p.m. Thomas Frank, speaking in support of his latest book, The Wrecking Crew: How Conservatives Rule (see next post).
  • Saturday, 8/30: 3 p.m. Scott Ritter, speaking about "The Iran Talks at the William Mitchell College of Law. I think Ritter is one of the most articulate, interesting, and authoritative voices on the left right now. As a former Marine intelligence officer and weapons inspector in Iraq, I think he really has an important perspective on our current foreign affairs.
  • Sunday, 8/31: 1 p.m.Liberty Parade and festival in and around downtown Minneapolis. They promise music, speakers, art displays and activities, all to answer the question "What does liberty mean to you?"
  • Sunday, 8/31: 7 p.m. Rabbi Michael Lerner speaks on the Global Marshall Plan at Shir Tikvah Temple. Lerner is the founder of the Tikkun movement, and I think, a strong authoritative voice -- critical of many of Israel's policies, but certainly a supporter of Israel's existence.
  • Monday, 9/1: 11 am. This is it!! THE march on the RNC. Yikes! Wooohooo! Gulp.
  • Tuesday, 9/2: 12:30 pm, Rally for the Republic by Ron Paul supporters as a counter-RNC convention, Target Center, downtown Mpls. Yes, I can hear you scratching your heads and/or grinding your teeth! But Ron Paul's supporters have stood up against the criminal Bush government, albeit from a different perspective, and I've long been curious about that perspective. I think this will be interesting.
  • Tuesday, 9/2: 12:30 to 7 pm, Ripple Effect festival for sustainability, justice and equality, with Michael Franti, Anti-Flag, Dead Prez, Wookie Foot, Matisyahu, Medea Benjamin, Will Steger and others, Minnesota State Capitol. Can you say....partaaaaay?! It may be tough to balance this one against Ron Paul!
  • Thursday, 9/4, 1 to 8 pm, Peace Island Picnic, Harriet Island, St. Paul. This event is largely the brainchild of Colleen Rowley, the courageous FBI agent who wrote a whistle-blowing letter to the head of the FBI after she and her colleagues were obstructed by superiors from investigating Moussawi's laptop prior to 9/11. It's intended to be another party, within sight of the convention.
  • Thursday, 9/4: 6:30 pm, Super Rally with Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez. "Open the Debates!" Speakers/Performers: Nellie McKay, Cindy Sheehan and Tom Neilson and special guests. Gosh...think Nader will speak? ;-) I can hear more head-scratching. But I think Nader is a true patriot and a great public servant, and although I won't vote for him, I sure want to hear him take both the dems and repubs to task...and I think everyone should have a chance to hear his critiques.

So there you have it. There are tons of other arts events going on, so who knows what else I'll stumble into. But I'll try and bring it to you here!



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